Displaying 331 to 340 of 434
11 Dec 2019
Bill Murphy - Physical Gold & Silver Market Closer to Overpower Price Suppression
Our guest on SBTV this week is Bill Murphy, the Chairman and Director of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA). Bill is a veteran in the gold and silver industry known for his dogged efforts in calling out market manipulation in the precious metals markets by bullion banks and the government.
04 Dec 2019
Steve Keen - 2020s to Stagnate If Private Debt Overhang Is Not Reduced
Our latest SBTV guest is Professor Steve Keen who was credited as the first Australian economist to have warned of the 2008 financial crisis years before it happened.
29 Nov 2019
Tesla Cybertruck, Gigafactory 4 Plans & Lyft's Electric Fleet| Electric Vehicle & Battery Metals
SBTV brings you the latest news from around the world on the Electric Vehicle Revolution and Battery Metals.
27 Nov 2019
Nick Giambruno - Inevitable For Hunt Brothers Silver Trade to Be Repeated
We are joined on SBTV by Nick Giambruno, Chief Analyst at Casey Research, as we review the silver trade of the Hunt Brothers and how current inflationary monetary policies could force market participants to repeat the Hunts' silver trade.
20 Nov 2019
Andreas Ruf - New Possibilities With Gold Tokens Backed By The Perth Mint
SBTV speaks with Andreas Ruf, CEO of InfiniGold, about the new possibilities The Perth Mint Gold Tokens (PMGT) will bring to the gold market and how PMGT improves the portability of gold bullion.
13 Nov 2019
Kevin Smith - Stage Is Set For Silver To Be A Gold Bull On Steroids
We are joined by Kevin Smith, Founder and CEO of Crescat Capital, on SBTV for an update on the inversion of the yield curve, the looming threat from collateralized loan obligations and why silver will be gold on steroids in this bull market.
06 Nov 2019
Marin Katusa - Negative Interest Rates Changing The Rules of Economics Adversely
SBTV speaks with Marin Katusa, founder of Katusa Research, about Financially Transmitted Diseases like Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) and why bonds are still traded at negative interest rates.
30 Oct 2019
Claudio Grass - When The Dollar Bubble Bursts, The Euro May Not Survive Either
Returning SBTV guest, Claudio Grass, speaks with us about the unsustainable pensions, crumbling fiat currencies and a looming financial crisis in a world of insane central bank monetary policies.
29 Oct 2019
Gas Stations Dump Pumps for Electric Chargers | Electric Vehicle & Battery Metals
SBTV brings you the latest news from around the world on the Electric Vehicle Revolution and Battery Metals.
23 Oct 2019
Rob Kirby - U.S. Dollar Rejection to Accelerate
Returning SBTV guest, Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics, had a though-provoking conversation with us - he questioned the ridiculousness that the US has never had a failed bond auction given the poor fundamentals of the US dollar, even as de-dollarization sentiments are accelerating.
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