Various Years | 5 gram (0.1788 oz)2,881 oz soldStrictly For Export or Bonded Storage
Various Years | 5 gram (0.1788 oz)Strictly For Export or Bonded Storage
Out-of-stock |
Out-of-Stock |
Before the year 1965, all major U.S. coins, excluding nickels and pennies, were comprised of 90% silver. The term "90% silver" is a convenient way for investors, collectors, and buyers to categorize a group of coins, including pre-1965 dimes, quarters, half dollars, and dollar coins. This label is also useful in distinguishing these coins from those minted after 1964. Generally, these coins are not primarily valued for their numismatic significance, and they are often traded based on their silver content.
Each bag consists of 2,000 United States quarters struck for circulation before 1965 and contain 90% silver.
Between 1932 and 1964, the U.S. Mint issued quarter-dollar coins each comprising of 90% silver and 10% copper. These are commonly referred to as silver quarters. Each silver quarter contains 0.17875 of an ounce of silver. Since these silver coins were later pushed out of circulation by the introduction of copper/nickel clad coins and the rising price of Silver, they have been retained by some for their 90% Silver content as a store of value.
There are various designs of these quarters, all of which being born out of historical context and representing certain elements of American culture and coinage.
Examples of these include Washington and Standing Liberty quarters.
The Washington quarters were originally created in 1932 and commemorated the birthday of George Washington. It was intended to be a commemorative issue and not for regular issue.
Points computation: 1 coin = 0.03 points
Tier | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Points required | - | 3,000 | 10,000 |
Price | 8.75 SGD | 8.72 SGD | 8.69 SGD |
Price/Gram | 1.57 SGD | 1.57 SGD | 1.56 SGD |
Price/oz | 54.39 SGD | 54.20 SGD | 54.02 SGD |
Percentage Over Spot (ASK PRICE) | 24.58% | 24.15% | 23.73% |
Buy/Sell Spread | 32.52% | 32.29% | 32.05% |
Duration | Storage Fee Per Parcel |
6 months | 54.63 SGD |
12 months | 109.25 SGD |
24 months | 218.51 SGD |
36 months | 327.76 SGD |
60 months | 546.27 SGD |
Item | Cost Per Coin |
Transfer-in and testing | 0.09 SGD |
* Percentages represent annual storage charges, based on the locked-in spot metal price at the time of order submission. You can lock-in storage charges for up to 5 years. See full S.T.A.R. Storage Fees here.