Spot Prices

Silver Bid Ask
USD/oz 27.85 28.00 +0.07
SGD/oz 37.40 37.60 +0.10
Gold Bid Ask
USD/oz 2,387.37 2,389.37 +23.76
SGD/oz 3,205.28 3,207.97 +31.89
Platinum Bid Ask
USD/oz 937.75 947.75 +5.09
SGD/oz 1,259.02 1,272.45 +6.83
Palladium Bid Ask
USD/oz 885.50 935.50 +1.77
SGD/oz 1,188.87 1,256.00 +2.38
Nickel Bid Ask
USD/ton 15,538.55 15,569.63 0.00
USD/lb 7.05 7.06 0.00
SGD/ton 20,862.06 20,903.78 0.00
Cobalt Bid Ask
USD/ton 26,185.00 26,185.00 +9.65
USD/lb 11.88 11.88 +0.00
SGD/ton 35,155.98 35,155.98 +12.95
Bitcoin Bid Ask
in USD 67,879.10 67,879.20 0.00
in SGD 91,134.48 91,134.61 0.00
Ethereum Bid Ask
in USD 3,257.61 3,257.62 0.00
in SGD 4,373.67 4,373.68 0.00

USD/SGD = 1.3426
Updated on 27 Jul 2024, 4:59 AM Singapore Time


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