Posted by Francis Koh on 25 Mar 2015

THE SILVER MANIFESTO: Precious Metal Investors Guide To Surviving The Coming Debt Bomb

This book was written by David Morgan and Chris Marchese of The primary purpose of writing The Silver Manifesto is to educate the reader as to why there is no way out the financial morass by the political class or the financial elite. In order accomplish this objective to examine every aspect of the silver market including:

 SIlver Manifesto Image 2    

A monetary of history of silver from 3,200 B.C. to present day, with additional attention paid to the monetary history of silver in the United States. These chapters examine a vast array of topics including the origin of money, the storied history of silver’s use as money since the advent of handwriting, the various coinage acts, the free banking era and the constitutionality of fiat “paper money”

An in depth analysis of the supply-demand dynamics in the market, past, present and in the future. We examine “peak silver”, industrial demand and most importantly investment demand and where it is headed in the short-to-medium term.

• In order to fully understand and appreciate the predicament the worldwide fiat monetary system is in, we walk through and explain the process of fractional reserve banking, maturity mismatching and the various stages on inflation. This is also necessary to understand intervention induced price suppression in the silver and gold markets.

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