Displaying 1161 to 1170 of 1202
03 May 2014
Canadian Silver Maple Leaf Sales Shatter All Records
Not only did Canadian Maple Leaf sales shatter all records in 2013, their percentage gain was twice as much compared to Silver Eagles. The Royal Canadian Mint just released their 2013 Annual Report and sales of their Silver Maples were the highest on record. (Read more) -
22 Apr 2014
Silver Continues To Drain From The Shanghai Futures Exchange
In the past week, the Shanghai Futures Exchange suffered another large withdrawal of silver from its warehouse stocks. Actually, this is the lowest level of silver inventories since the exchange started building its silver stocks in August, 2012. (Read more) -
21 Apr 2014
The Dark Side Of The Silver Mining Industry
There is an insidious Dark Side to the silver mining industry that goes unnoticed by the majority of investors and analysts. Actually, I haven’t come across one mining analyst who puts out comprehensive data on this very subject for the silver mining industry. (Read more) -
11 Apr 2014
Large Decline Of Shanghai & Comex Silver Stocks
Something interesting took place at the Comex and Shanghai silver warehouses over the past month. Silver stocks at both these warehouses peaked at about the same time, March 10th. (Read more) -
09 Apr 2014
"The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold", by Chris Martenson
This report lays out the investment thesis for gold. Silver is mentioned only where necessary, as a separate report of equal scope will be forthcoming on that topic. Various factors lead me to conclude that gold is one investment that you can park for the next ten or twenty years, confident that it will perform well. (Read more) -
04 Apr 2014
The Grand Deception In the Precious Metals Industry
Many precious metals investors are being deceived and they don’t even know it. There is so much fraud, manipulation and deceit taking place in the economic and financial markets, its amazing the system hasn’t collapsed already. (Read more) -
02 Apr 2014
Record Silver Eagle Buying As Industry Analysts Mislead The Public
The U.S. Mint sold more Silver Eagles in the past two months than it has ever in the same time-period in previous years. February and March sales were so strong, they surpassed 2013′s by nearly 2.4 million. (Read more) -
31 Mar 2014
The Gold Trade Expects A Higher, Not Lower Price Of Gold In 2014
We at Got Gold Report have to believe that the gold trade now expects and is positioning for a higher, not a lower gold price in 2014. The sudden, overly large reduction in the Producer/Merchant gross shorts this COT week is kind of an earthquake in that regard. (Read more) -
29 Mar 2014
Silver Eagle Sales Hit New Record In March & Large Comex Silver Withdrawal
According to the recent update by the U.S. Mint, Silver Eagle sales hit a new record in March. Sales of the U.S. Silver Eagle reached 4,476,000 at the end of the week. (Read more)